Tuesday, July 7, 2015

The Bird Nest Garden!

This is the progress of a garden project, that we didn't plan. Everyone worked so hard to get it done!

My husband, aka The Mister, has been doing projects with the kids. This is some concrete pavers that he helped Mini Me make.

This is a before picture on a rainy day.

We are so pleased with the results, using the above method. Here is the link http://104homestead.com/winter-sow/. We have never had the results starting seeds as we had for this one. It was really no work at all. We did nothing and the plants grew so well. Sadly, the kids planted everything and didn't take any pictures.
Our raspberries patch went crazy. We are picking so much every day.

Here are some of our blooms:
This is how they started off the off.

As a newly, driving teenager, I drove to see my grandfather. He sent home some hollyhocks that I planted at my mother's house. She gave so many starts of the flowers to anyone who wanted them. When I left the home, I left with some hollyhock starts. As I moved from place to place, I brought with me some hollyhock starts. I have lived this here for sometime, giving away starts and seeds. This has been a good year for the hollyhocks and they have beautiful blooms. This is what they are doing now.

The lilly's are also producing some beautiful blooms. These were also starts from my mother, now deceased.
This is one of our patches that we plant in. Our space is very limited. We have cucumbers, different kinds of peppers, different kinds of sweet peppers, some gourds-bird house style, and two different types of tomatoes. I know some will say, "You can't do that. Nothing will grow." Though we appreciate your comments, it has for the past 6 years. We make sure that we compost this area well, and try to mix in plants that add to the soil during our early spring and early fall crops.

This is how they started off.

Our garden started off like and I hope to post a picture of some of the now pictures soon. Rain showers are moving through and I don't really want to sing in the Rain.

Even though this is a common color of lily, I still love the vibrant color and the rain drops drying on the petals.

This is a river we like to go out on. As you can see the beautiful water is a muddy brown. It is also outside of the banks.  The rain this year, has seriously impacted our garden.

Later today, the Mini's and I will be canning some strawberry pepper jam and some reduced sugar strawberry jam. I can't wait to share some of the pictures.

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